Teacher: Susan Frederick
School: Trinity Preparatory School
County: Orange
Susan has been at Trinity Prep for 24 years and currently teaches AP Computer Science A, Honors Computer Programming, and Innovation and Design. Two years ago, she led a group of students to several competitions, where they achieved 1st place at the Lockheed Martin CyberQuest competition. With this success and the continued support of the new Chief Technology Officer, Mr. Podchaski, they were able to form a club and compete in the U.S. Air Force-sponsored CyberPatriot competition with five teams. The top boys’ team took 3rd place in the Gold Division, and the all-girls’ team placed 2nd in the Silver Division. At Cyber Florida’s CyberLaunch competition, the top boys’ team received an honorable mention.
In addition to her work in computer science, Susan has been the Trinity Prep bowling coach for 16 years. She recently celebrated her second student signing with a college on a full scholarship. Her team was the 2021 District Champions, and the entire team advanced to the state competition.
We are incredibly grateful for Susan’s contributions to K-12 cybersecurity education!